Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Back on Meds

I had a good couple of days off of meds and then I crashed yesterday. I just hated myself and wanted to die. It was torture. It feels good to actually feel calm again. Its dangerous to go off your medication when you're bipolar, but I just can't help myself sometimes. Medication can make us feel lethargic sometimes and that gets annoying but if it wasn't for the medication, I and some of you, would probably be dead right now.

Hope you're feeling well

Sunday, July 10, 2011

We're Sensitive

We're more sensitive to stimuli than other people. Any little thing can make us depressed or manic. You can use this to your advantage by filling your head with positives and avoiding negatives when possible.

- Hang out more with people who make you feel loved

- Read something positive/empowering when you get up in the morning

- Get some exercise

Personally, I think mania is more of a gift than a curse even though your doctor probably makes you feel like its bad to be manic. When i'm manic I get great ideas, I feel a deep love for people who care about me, I feel no anxiety, I get so much done. Fill your head with positives on a regular basis and you'll be manic more often than you're depressed.

- If you're lonely, learn more about attraction and dating

- If you're pessimistic, try a self help book

- If you have issues dealing people, check out "How To Win Friends and Influence People" by Dale Carnegie

Whatever your issues or insecurities are there are books out there for you

I've been off of my medication for about 3 days now. Its so nice to feel excited, confident and energetic again. I do a lot of reading to stay positive and it helps a lot.

Hope you're feeling well

Thursday, July 7, 2011

What Do I Do When The Meds Stop Working?

I'm sure the answer of the psychiatric community would be to to take more meds and force yourself to smile. The problem is that i'm starting to feel as bad on these meds as I do without them. I feel like a dead man walking. I'm sleeping 12-14 hours a day and don't feel awake the other 10-12 hours of the day. Everything sucks. At least when i'm off the meds I get to experience some mania once in a while and actually enjoy life. When I was suicidal the meds were good for me because they kept me from killing myself. Now I think I need something else. I think what i'm missing right now is a sense purpose in life and meaningful relationships. When I was buidling this website i was happy because I was doing something that was important to me. Ever since the site has been finished I really haven't had a good reason to get up in the morning. As for a meaningful relationship I don't think that i've ever had one and i'm not sure how to go about getting one. Everyone here is normal while i'm mental; this isn't exactly a formula for love. If this was a movie some pretty brown-eyed girl would come save me from myself, but it isn't. There has got to be a better way than these zombie pills and i'm gonna try to find it.

Hope you're feeling well