Sunday, March 28, 2010

I started working out again last week and i'm starting to notice my energy levels rise and my mood improve. I'm also starting to look better, which is making me feel better about myself.

If you don't exercise regularly, try it and stick to it for a while. Start out slow so you don't feel super sore the next day. Begin to challenge yourself when you notice your workouts are getting too easy.

BTW, hitting a punching bag is fun and a great full body workout.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Overcoming Depression and Bipolar Disorder with Small Victories

Small victories can help you with overcoming depression or bipolar disorder and feeling better about yourself every day. Every day is filled with opportunities for small victories.

A small victory is when you defeat your depression or irritability with willpower. Some examples of small victories are:
- Being kind to someone that cares about you even though you’re depressed or irritated.
- Continuing to work even though you’re having trouble concentrating.
- Going to the gym even though you don’t feel like it or you’re having anxiety about going out.
- Getting up at a reasonable hour even though you’re afraid to face the day.
- Trying again even though you failed the last time.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Rub The Irritability Away

Masturbation can help you deal with the irritability that often comes with bipolar disorder (just don‘t tell Jesus I told you to masturbate).

Sex is obviously preferred, but harder to come by in my experience. Plus you don’t want to just hook up with randoms because you’re irritable.

I’m not saying that you should masturbate every time you feel a little angry. All I’m saying is that irritability tends to build up over a couple (2-3) of days and you get to a point where you’re liable to lose it on any person that looks at you crooked. This is where you might want to find a quiet place to explode in orgasm rather than exploding in anger on some poor person.

Feel free to take a nap after too.

This can also be helpful before bed if you’re having trouble with insomnia.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Self Esteem Building- Needed a Little Self Esteem Boost Today

I was feeling not too good about myself today so I figured I'd use some of those self esteem building exercises on the site.

They really do help.

To feel better about yourself, go here:

or here:

or here:

It sure is nice not to hate yourself all the time.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Yoga for Depression, Anxiety, and Irritability

Yoga isn’t just for girls and hippies. It can be used for treating depression, as an anxiety treatment, and provide relief from irritability. It can teach you how to deal with stress. It relaxes your body and mind, and can make you feel euphoric. I often left yoga classes feeling very in the moment, free of anxiety, content, and confident. It can be especially beneficial to you people that are self conscious, pessimistic, and irritable. Yoga is also good exercise and daily practice is most beneficial.

Certain yogic practices have specific healing qualities for certain illnesses. Practicing yoga should be used as a supplement to conventional therapy, not a substitute. Yoga can enhance the effects of conventional therapies. Experiment and pay attention to what practices make you feel better and improve your condition. Yoga, breathing, and meditation cultivate faith, self control, concentration, determination, and patience.
You can read the rest of this article at

Friday, March 12, 2010

Check Out Robin Williams Stand Up Comedy When You're Depressed

I spent a good hour today laughing my ass off watching Robin Williams stand up comedy. Its a great antidepressant.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Don't Rely on Anybody

One of the things that consistently leads to depression for me is people letting me down. I just can't seem to learn my lesson. I keep relying on friends that usually let me down and the result is always the same; me feeling worthless. Do my friends just suck or am I so worthless that I'm not worthy of respect?

It is difficult not to rely on anyone when you're mentally ill, because gettting on your own can be difficult. However, it might be something you might have to get used. Maybe its just my friends that suck (my friend let me down this week which is why i'm ranting right now)...Anyone else have this problem? At least I have family I can rely on. Thank god for mom and're the best.

Its annoying when i get into a hypomanic state, because I feel so confident that people won't let me down (I can't help it). Then they let me down and I feel terrible. However, it does hurt less and less as i expect to be disappointed more and more. I think its finally getting through my thick skull that I can't rely on my frineds for anything and doing so only puts my mental health in jeopardy.

It can be a sad feeling not having friends you can rely on, but I think its even worse to be in denial. You shouldn't put your self esteem and happiness in the hands of people who are going to be irresponsible with it.

I hope you enjoyed my rant :)

People suck

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

You may outgrow bipolar disorder

The rate of bipolar disorder drops with age, which means that if you have bipolar disorder there is a good chance that you will not have it forever

University of Missouri researchers found evidence that nearly half of those diagnosed with bipolar disorder between the ages of 18-25 outgrow the disorder by the age of 30. 5.5-6.2% of people between the ages of 18-24 suffer from bipolar disorder, while only about 3% of people over the age of 29 suffer from the disorder. This means there is a good chance that you will becocme less symptomatic and recover in your 30s.

The high rate of the illness in young adulthood is likely due to significant life changes and social strain. In the the mid 20s people begin to adjust to the changes and settle down.

Another factor contributing to the high rate in young adulthood is the fact that the prefrontal cortex of our brain doesn't mature until around the age of 25. The prefrontal cortex is the front of the brain and it controls reactions to social situations...Aww, so that's why I suck at social situations:)

Bipolar disorder sucks sometimes, but I feel like i'd miss it if I outgrew it.

To learn more about bipolar disorder and how to thrive with it, visit