I'm sure the answer of the psychiatric community would be to to take more meds and force yourself to smile. The problem is that i'm starting to feel as bad on these meds as I do without them. I feel like a dead man walking. I'm sleeping 12-14 hours a day and don't feel awake the other 10-12 hours of the day. Everything sucks. At least when i'm off the meds I get to experience some mania once in a while and actually enjoy life. When I was suicidal the meds were good for me because they kept me from killing myself. Now I think I need something else. I think what i'm missing right now is a sense purpose in life and meaningful relationships. When I was buidling this website i was happy because I was doing something that was important to me. Ever since the site has been finished I really haven't had a good reason to get up in the morning. As for a meaningful relationship I don't think that i've ever had one and i'm not sure how to go about getting one. Everyone here is normal while i'm mental; this isn't exactly a formula for love. If this was a movie some pretty brown-eyed girl would come save me from myself, but it isn't. There has got to be a better way than these zombie pills and i'm gonna try to find it.
Hope you're feeling well
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