1. You don't get too down when things don't work out and
2. You don't drop everything to pursue them
I've always had this tendency to drop everything and reach for the stars. The difference now that i've lived with bipolar disorder for a couple of years and am more experienced dealing with my manic thoughts is that i'm more careful. I realize that some of my ideas are unrealistic and that i'm not likely to succeed, but i still really enjoy pursuing them. This time i'm not gonna drop everything, destroy what i've built and start over. I'm gonna pursue my dream on the side as a hobby while still working on my websites and blogs. I'm not gonna put all my eggs in one basket like I used to.
Right now I just really wanna see how hard i can throw a baseball. Baseball is always on tv these days and watching it just makes me wanna go out and play. So when its nice out i'm gonna be going outside and throwing at the park beside my house. I'm gonna be doing pitcher specific workouts and eating super healthy so I can get stronger and my body can recover faster. Its never a bad idea to get outside and its never a bad idea to workout so now i have a reason to.
Hope you're feeling well
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