I take 2 medications; one is a mood stabilizer and the other is an antidepressant. About a month ago i ran out the antidepressant, which I was taking at a low dose of 5 mg, and didn't get anymore. I thought that it wouldn't matter if i stopped taking it because it was such a low dose.
Now that I look back on it, my mood was very low and angry for the past month. I recently saw my doctor and got more of the medication. My mood has improved significantly over the past couple of days. I feel like a dumbass for not renewing my prescription.
When i saw my psychiatrist she said something that was so obvious but i had forgotten it for the past month. She said, "You have a chemical imbalance". We all have chemical imbalances and no amount of therapy or self help can help us if we're not getting the right medication at the right dose.
It is crucial that you keep taking your medication or get a better medication if you don't like yours. There are tons of medications out there and there has to be one that helps you get by without brutal side effects.
You can learn more about bipolar medication here:
If you need help sticking to a medication regiment, check this out:
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