Even if you do everything within your power to deal with bipolar disorder you will still have some bad days. If your goal is to have no bad days at all, you're setting yourself up for disapointment. If you have more good days than bad days, you're doing well.
The other day I was so sad i just wanted my mommy. I can look back at that moment now and laugh at myself. Anyways, my mom wasn't there and i was fine the next day. This led me to a revelation about bad days...
You will have bad days, but then you'll be fine after. Your bad day will pass and you'll be able to move on with your life. Then you'll have another bad day, but it won't be so bad this time because you know its only temporary. You'll have your typical "oh god, its the end of the world" or "oh no, i'm a terrible human being" thoughts, but you won't take them as seriously because you know that its just your bipolar disorder fucking with you and it will go away.
Try to use your bad days to rest. Watch a movie, read a book, try to get inspired to move forward with your life again.
Just knowing you'll be fine will make your bad days less severe.
www.depressiondodging.com for more tips on how to deal with bipolar disorder and depression.